Okie Girls Salon & Boutique-Your Beauty and Fashion One Stop Shop!

As a local realtor and a resident of Sand Springs, I truly enjoy bringing you stories of the great local businesses we have here.  Here is one about a very enterprising group of women who have joined together to bring you the best in beauty and fashion.

Okie Girls Salon & Boutique

Owners:  Okie Girls Salon & Boutique is owned by Amanda Johnson, 
Tiffany Brown and Shauna Jones.

Describe Your BusinessWe are your one stop shop for fashion and beauty! Our trendy style is on point with the latest fashions and our prices meet everyone’s budget. When you come into the store, you can leave with a whole new you. Add to your wardrobe, change up the cut and color to your hair, get your makeup done, get waxed, or leave with a custom spray tan!

What made you decide to open your business?
The three of us decided to open this business together because we all love making women feel beautiful. We all had businesses of our own when we decided to come together and blend our talents. We all bring something different to the business and it works well! We wanted to be somewhere that we could contribute to making an area better but at the same time really embrace what its like to be here.

Any time you get young business people who are hungry, it creates an energy!

What was it like when you first started?
When we first started, we were nervous but excited! We've had this wonderful community of support since day one which is why we are still here. Our customers are incredibly loyal because they understand we are 
locally owned, family business. We love this community.

What would your customers say they love most about your business?
I would have to say our customer service. We treat everyone that walks through our door like family and we will know you on a first name basis before you leave. The shop has good vibes, and it’s a friendly place where people want to come and hang out!

Do you have any exciting plans for the future that you want your customers to know about?
Yes! We have so many new things coming to the store the list would go on and on, but one thing we are super excited about is the makeover program we are working on. Once a month we will sponsor a full makeover to one deserving person.....the full shebang!!! New outfit, color, waxed, spray tan, and makeup. If we offer it, then they are getting it!

What do you like most about being an entrepreneur?
Being an entrepreneur is great because you own your own destiny. You take risk and you push yourself out of your comfort zone. You rediscover yourself, your passion, and your strength everyday.

Do you have any advice that you want to share with other entrepreneurs?
Be all in! It’s not easy but if you have a positive mindset, you'll always succeed.

Why do you think it’s important for people to shop local?
When you shop local a significant amount of money stays in the community.
Local businesses also gives the community its flavor. By supporting those businesses you ensure that uniqueness is preserved as a part of your community.

What do you love most about Sand Springs? 

That all the local shops work together and support each other. It’s all about community over competition!

Anything exciting going on that customers should know about?
Yes! Our 1 year birthday bash and ribbon cutting is Dec. 5th at 4pm. We will have so many great deals going on; and snacks and drinks for you to enjoy.

What are your favorite places to in Sand Springs?
We are obsessed with Okie Spice! Everything they sell is so yummy and does not last around our houses or the shop!

Look to Okie Girl’s social media for more about these wonderfully talented women and their current events and products.  They really are the complete package. Go see for yourself!

Here is their Facebook link:

Their hours are:

Tues. – Fri. 10-6
Sat. 10-4


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