Rods Books and Relics/The Yesterday Shop

Rod's Books and Relics/The Yesterday Shop has been a staple in the antique world in Sand Springs for nearly 50 years!  I'm happy to introduce you to the sweet family that is carrying on their family tradition.

Owners Cyndi and Rodney Thomas have a wonderful selection of vintage books, glassware, toys and wonderful seasonal finds among other treasures.  These treasures are tucked away in the landmark building on the corner of 2nd and Main.

 The Paul building has been owned by the Thomas family since it was built in 1920. Rodney's Grandfather passed through the town in 1915 and bought the land it sits on and had the building built 5 years later. The building has had many incarnations, including a bank, a pharmacy, tire shop, doctor’s offices, apartments and much more. Paul Thomas and Helen Thomas, Rodney's father and aunt, started The Yesterday Shop in 1969. People to this day come in and share their fond memories of both Paul and Helen often. In 1995, Rodney had just graduated college with a bachelor’s degree in History from TU and he decided to open up a used book store in one of the empty store fronts. Both Paul and Helen died in 2003 from cancer, Rodney's mother Lavon ran the antique shop till her death in 2008, also from cancer. At this time Rodney decided to return to school and become an RN. He graduated from TCC in 2010. He works part-time as an oncology nurse to this day. 

Meanwhile Rodney's best friend John Young helped him 

run the shop while he cared for his mother and went to school. John still helps in the shop to this day.  In 2011, Rod met his soon-to-be-wife Cyndi and her infant daughter Rosabella. Soon they were helping in the shops and taking buying trips together. A lot happened in 2015! In 2015 Rodney and Cyndi were married and had their son Theodore. Cyndi graduated from TCC with a degree in Diagnostic Sonography. We moved both stores over one store front to the corner of 2nd and Main. One year later Rodney officially adopted Rosabella

Describe your business: Used books and rare and out-of-print books. Antiques, art glass, records, vintage toys, costume jewelry, vintage holiday décor, mid century and anything in between.

 Why did you decide to open the business? There wasn't a bookstore in Sand Springs and Rodney wanted to stay close to family who had health issues. Rod inherited the antique store when his mother died.

What was it like when you first started? The Internet hadn't quite taken hold, and people still were reading physical books. There were no smart phones! 

What surprised you most? The types of things people collect and how strong nostalgia can be for some. 

What do customers love most? The cleanliness and organized bookstore. People often remark how nice things are displayed in the antique store. A lot of these types of businesses are cluttered and jumbled; ours is not. And of course, the small family business aspect. People love to come see Rosa and Theo and remark how much they have grown. 

Most memorable experience with a customer? We love our long-term customers. One in particular Bill, has been coming to the bookstore since it opened. We always love to see him. We save certain editions for him and put dust-jacket protectors on his books he buys from us and other places. 

Plans for the future? We are planning on putting in a whole new section of vintage toys. We have thousands of books we bought in 2018 and are slowing stocking those and revamping the bookstore. We have family road trips planned for buying fun stuff out of state. 

Something most people don't know? That the stores have been around so long. This is the 50th year for The Yesterday Shop and 24 years for the bookstore. Also next year the building will be 100 years old.

What do you like most about being an entrepreneurs? Being our own boss & being able to bring the kids to work.  

Advice for others? It's always more work than you think it will be. 

What do you love most about your neighbors? All of the similar businesses on the block help each other out and we all get along great. I love to go into the other shops and see what they have so I can tell people if they have something they are looking for. Sand Springs has a great small town feel. We are close to the triangle where fun events are held. Our best day is always The Herbal Affair. 

Favorite things to do in the neighborhood? We like to eat and shop downtown. There are some great new shops in downtown.   I was reading it’s close to 30! 

Why shop local? It's important to support our small local businesses so that we can have a variety of places to shop and eat. 

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