YellowHouse Market & Boutique

YellowHouse Market & Boutique

I am reposting all of the installments chronicling the small businesses of Sand Springs to celebrate my move to Chinowth & Cohen.  Today we revisit YellowHouse Market & Boutique.

Describe your business: We are a family owned boutique. We carry trendy affordable clothes for sizes S – 3X. We also carry shoes, purses, jewelry, hats, home decor, gift items, children’s items and much more! 

What made you decide to open this business? I feel that women of all shapes and sizes should be able to walk into a store and find something that looks good on them, makes them feel good about themselves and that they can afford. The world tells you that you must look a certain way to be considered beautiful and that is not truth. We are our own worst critics and this hinders us in doing our best.  What we aim for at YellowHouse Market & Boutique is to enable all to do what God has called us to do. We know how important it is as women to encourage and lift one another up. We strive to do that daily at our store and offer the best customer service possible.

What was it like when you first started? When YellowHouse began it was a booth inside the Vintage Stables. I was excited and curious to see how Sand Springs would support this adventure and how well the boutique clothing would go. We have been supported 100% from the minute we started. We leased our first location form the Wygles, next door to Livi Lees on Broadway. Johnathan and Wendy were so supportive, believed in me and went above and beyond to equip me to be a success. For that I am truly grateful. We quickly outgrew ourselves, which led to our purchase of our new store on Main Street! Again, I was blessed to have Laurie Joslin believe in me and give me the opportunity of a lifetime to purchase her location!

What has surprised you most when owning a business? When I first started my business I daily had people comment to me that Sand Springs never supports anything, that they hoped I could last, etc. I have been overwhelmed in this journey by the support I have received from our Sand Springs community. I have also been surprised by the number of people that drive from other towns & states to shop our store!! 

What would your customers say they love most about your business? The experience, the customer service (I have amazing employees) the fact that any shape and size can shop my store, and that we are affordable. Also, the fact you are never pressured to buy something and we are not in it just to make a sale! We love when our customers just swing by to have a cup of coffee and hang out and visit a while! Also, the relationships we build with our customers, they are more than a sale to us!

What’s the most memorable experience you’ve had working with a customer? One day, a day I had been struggling with this adventure, a lady came in and asked for me. She proceeded to tell me God told her to stop by and tell me that our store had made a difference in her life. She had been in an abusive domestic relationship for YEARS and had to face him in court. She came to our store, we dressed her and gave her confidence not knowing the giant she had to face. She said she walked into that courtroom with her head held high and felt strong and confident! It was not only the dress but the relationship we had made and the encouraging words she had received. 

Do you have any exciting plans for the future that you want customers to know about? Well, we do but it is top secret!!!

What is something most people don’t know about the business? Where our name came from!! The very first house my husband, Mike Miller and I built together was a Yellow Farm House. 

What do you like most about being an entrepreneur? Meeting the needs of our community, building relationships and showing my daughters it is worth it to follow your dreams. 

Do you have any advice that you want to share with other entrepreneurs? Be original. Have a purpose for what you do; not just do what you see others doing. God has given us all a purpose and a plan and a calling. 

 What do you love most about the neighborhood? I love that I get to work along side Stephanie from Vintage Stables again. I love that small business owners downtown take so much pride in Sand Springs and are striving to revitalize downtown again! 

Anything exciting going on that customers should know about? Yes! We are hosting our very first Christmas Open House at YellowHouse on November 24 & 25th from10-6.
We will have drinks, cookies, gift items & more!

Where are your favorite places to go in the neighborhood? Boomerangs for breakfast and Catfish on Fridays! Vintage Stables for many prop items I use in my store! Duck & Dog-they are the sweetest people and have unique items. And the list just goes on!

Why do you think it’s important for people to shop local? Because you are supporting a dream. You are putting tax dollars back into our own schools and community. The more we shop local the more attractive we are to new business. 

Business Address:  122 N. Main St.
Business Phone:  918-720-8370


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